fredag 2 november 2007


Nov 1, 2007 4:57 AM
jag har sett saw nu, kan hjälpa dig med din fot! amputation är det enda rätta, du måste göra dig av med det orena.

...this part of the operation is by no means easy to a person unaccustomed to handle a saw. The principal difficulty arises from the bone being sawn up in the air (as it were); at least, the part is in general but very imperfectly fixed by two persons, who, however strong they may be, cannot resist the saw, and hinder the limb from being shaken, whereby the direction of the instrument becomes altered. Besides, the two assistants rarely act so well in concert together, as always to hold the limb in the same direction, and with an equal degree of strength. It is true, such irregularity is not of much consequence at first, while the bone is not half sawn through; but, as soon as the instrument has cut to this depth, the irregular movements of the assistants, who hold the limb, make the sawn surfaces come nearer together, and the saw is so pinched or locked betwixt them, that it cannot stir, in one direction, or the other.

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